SPINNER releases adjustable low PIM Attenuator

SPINNER’s new low PIM Attenuator reduces cost by ensuring much more flexibility during installation processes.
The low PIM attenuator can be adjusted between 15 and 30 dB and performs with -160 dBc/-165 dBc in mobile carrier frequencies. First DAS outdoor installations have proven to save up to 90% of time during power adjustment.
Site and In-Building installations will be much faster and more efficient due to the flexibility provided by SPINNER’s low PIM Attenuator. In many projects, radiated power can be set only on site and adjustment has to be performed with attenuators.
Instead of installing and replacing various splitter/load combinations to test the targeted power level, the SPINNER low PIM Attenuator is installed once and adjustment can be performed easily during operation.
The mobile stations with pneumatic telescopic pole, integrated on a trailer approved for road use, are transportable by trucks provided with tow hooks for loads up to 1500 kg. These mobile stations guarantee full operation in less than one hour and in restricted spaces. Their use is strategic for supporting increases of traffic volume in case of extraordinary events (trade fairs, sporting events, music concerts, etc.) or for putting into service radio connections in case of emergencies (Civil Protection, Firefighters). The mobile station is composed by the following elements:
- Special two axle trailer approved for road use
- Cabinet for technical equipments and installations housing the radio equipments, the batteries, n.1 generating set as well as the electrical panels for the distribution and control
- Pneumatic telescopic pole for standard heights up to 10 meters complete with compressor for the erection
- Stabilizers with adjustable jacks ensuring the stability of the structure even in case of strong winds (wind speeds up to 150 km /h)
Since the whole structure of the shelter complete of the stabilizers and telescopic pole has been thought as building one unity, it can be easily unhooked from the trailer and transported by a normal helicopter: the total weight of the all including the batteries, the generating set and the installations is approximately equal to 890 kg.
The mobile station can be supplied by the electricity network or by an autonomous generating set. In the event of power failures, the battery system guarantees a working autonomy of 24 hours. |